Students will compete in two events: a culinary competition and restaurant management competition. In the culinary competition, students will have 120 minutes to prepare two identical portions of a three-course meal consisting of a starter, entrée and dessert. Students will be judged on knife skills, method and technique, sanitation and safety, professionalism, presentation, recipe costing, organization and teamwork. In the management competition, teams will analyze a management situation and answer foodservice, hospitality and business-focused questions covered in the ProStart curriculum. The case study requires students to analyze the real-life situations using knowledge and communication skills from the management perspective.
The winning teams from each event will be awarded scholarships to pursue post-secondary education in foodservice and restaurant management, the chance to compete in the National ProStart Invitational taking place April 30 to May 2 in Overland Park, Kan., and additional prizes. For more information, visit www.prostart.restaurant.org.