Thursday, January 7, 2010

RCF announces two new scholarships

The Research Chefs Foundation (RCF), the educational outreach arm of the Research Chefs Association (RCA), has added two new scholarships to be funded by CuliNex LLC. The CuliNex Organic and Natural Foods Culinology Scholarship is a $4,000 higher education scholarship for qualified individuals who show interest in developing organic and natural foods. The CuliNex Certified Research Chef (CRC) and Certified Culinary Scientists (CCS) Scholarship will provide financial assistance in the form of up to two $550 scholarships in 2010 for qualified professionals who meet the certification eligibility criteria. These scholarships are funded by Mark Crowell, CRC, who founded CuliNex in 2005.

"Education is at the heart of the RCA's mission," Crowell said in a statement. "My career has benefited greatly from Culinology and I hope these scholarships will encourage students to pursue a Culinology degree and career. ... I want to encourage members already practicing Culinology to take that extra step to increase their competitiveness. Certification credentials have proven invaluable to me in sending a strong signal of professionalism to employers and the development community. Lastly, I am hopeful this gift will spur others to support the RCF's mission in providing financial assistance to qualified students and professionals."

For more information or to apply, visit