Monday, July 11, 2011

Kendall College School of Culinary Arts launches part-time format for baccalaureate degree completion

The Kendall College School of Culinary Arts will launch a new program in October 2011 for part-time students to complete their bachelor’s degree in the culinary arts. The new flexible learning option, designed for working adults who have already obtained an associate degree in the culinary arts from Kendall, will blend online and traditional on campus instruction.

According to Renee Zonka, RD, CEC, CHE, MBA, dean of Kendall’s School of Culinary Arts, the new B.A. part-time completion program offers flexibility to chefs already working in the marketplace as well as new students eager to begin their careers.


In the junior and senior years of the baccalaureate program, students further their knowledge of the culinary arts with classes in global cuisine, food science, advanced pastry and research and development while honing their business skills and deepening their understanding of the business world. The new part-time format also includes a concentration in culinary nutrition currently offered to students in the traditional B.A. program. Courses are 10 weeks in duration, including an intensive integrative senior project required for graduation.


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